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DIY Tree Topper Hat | Winter Decor Series Pt. 4

Annnnd just like that November is almost over and the last part of my Winter Decor Series is HERE! I hope everyones Thanksgiving weekend was full of food and relaxing! Unless you participated in Black Friday like I did, my Friday was insane and I was shopping sun up till sun down! I do DIY's because I love doing things for cheaper than I could buy it, so naturally Black Friday, a day of amazing deals, is the day for me! A good deal was also the birth of this DIY! I Have always loves the santa hat toppers for trees! But they were always too much money and too big since my tree is only 5 feet tall! This DIY allowed me to make one that fit my tree PERFECTLY! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, Happy DIY-ing!

- Em

Check out the previous parts to the Winter Decor Series BELLOW!


Step 1 : Items Needed

Craft Paper


Fluffy Yarn

Rubber Cement Glue

Hot Glue


Step 2 : Making the Hat Base

First cut out 2 pieces of craft paper the same size. More is better because you can always cut it down!

Then using the rubber cement glue the two pieces of craft paper together. I strongly suggest rubber cement because the paper wont bubble

Once the glue is dry roll it into a cone and glue it in place. For this step since you're just securing it I used hot glue because I'm impatient!! Then cut the cone down to the size you want your santa hat to be.

After it is cut down it should look something similar to this!

Step : 3 Wrapping the Cone

This step has no rhyme or reason due to the fact that everyones hat toppers will be a different size! I made a mini model when it came to wrapping because it was too big to photograph easily. But for my real tree topper I used 2 pieces of felt and the hot glue to secure it!

I suggest hiding the seams in the back if you don't see your tree from all angles or on each side if you do see all sides so that it's even!

If your felt doesn't go all the way to the bottom thats no big deal! We will be applying a trim to the bottom so it wont show.

Step 4 : Adding Trim!

I began by gluing one end to the seam of the felt and started wrapping and gluing down the fluffy yarn with hot glue.

Make sure to glue the fluffy yarn around the rim as well!

Step 5 : Making the Pom Pom

I made my pom pom out of the same fluffy trim yarn but I am using this yarn because it's easier to see how I make a pom pom!

I looped the yarn around a couple of my fingers till I was happy with how fluffy the pom pom would be! NOTE with the fluffy trim yarn you will need less loops since it's thicker.

Once I was happy with the loop using another piece of the same yarn ( I used the red stripped string so you could visibly see the difference ) wrap it around the center.

Pull it tight and tie it off in a knot so the loops puff out like in the picture above.

The final step of making the pom pom and cut the loops so they separate and it should look something like the picture above!

Step 6 : Finishing the Hat and Glue on the Pom Pom

Once you glue the pom pom to the hat topper you are done! Place it onto of your tree and enjoy!


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