DIY • Bracelet & Bangle
HI ALL! I have a simple little DIY this week! A bracelet and a bangle! I'm so in love because I have tiny wrists that my mom so lovingly passed down to me.. (Thanks mom..) SOO it's quite a challenge to find bracelets that fit me correctly unless they are adjustable or stretchy. I hope you enjoy! Happy DIY-ing!
- Em
Items Needed For Bracelet & Bangle
• Suede Lace
• Wire
• Small Pliers
• Wire Cutters
• Scissors
Making the Bracelet
Step 1 : Wire
I took the wire cutters and cut enough wire that will be long enough to fit halfway around my wrist folded in half. ( Extra is better than not enough )
Fold the wire roughly in half and pinch it around the pilers so it creates a circle-like shape.
Once the circle is complete straighten out the ends as much as possible.
Bend the wire into a C shape it should fit comfortably around the side of your wrist.
Trim it down so it's a little bit longer than the other end, this will leave room for creating a hook, which will act as a clasp for the bracelet.
You will create a small curl so the sharp edge doesn't catch on anything or scratch you. Then create another curl that curls away from the C shape.
( Should look like this finished! )
Step 2 : The Leather
To create the other half you will need one long piece folded in half and one separate piece, like in the picture above.
You will use the single piece to tie a knot around the loop that will be used to secure the bracelet around the hook.
Then braid like any normal 3 strand braid.
Pull the end of the braid through the metal loop and wrap one of the leather strands around the itself and tie a knot with one of the other strands.
To further secure the leather strap tie another knot with the left over 3rd strand that wasn't used in the first knot.
Making The Bangle
Step 1 : The Wire
For the Bangle cut enough wire to be able to fold it in half and for it to fit easily around your wrist with a little extra room.
Fold the wire roughly in half and create a loop. Then form it in a shape that fits around your wrist.
Step 2 : The Leather
To make the braided look you will use one strand and loop it through the wire weaving over and under.
It will start to look like this after weaving over and under a couple of times.
To Secure the leather braid so it doesn't come undone use a small piece of metal wire and wrap it around the end tightly.
Repeat on the other side.
Create a hook with the end of the wire and the bangle is complete!
This is a picture of the finished bracelet and bangle! Enjoy!