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DIY | Bottle Top Opener |

HELLO! Just dusting off my blog to stop back in with a new DIY! I could go into detail about how busy I got with school or that I was busy enjoying being newly 21 but I won't bore you with that and celebrating being 21 with an alcohol related DIY!! I hope you love your bottle top opener as much as I have been! Happy DIY-ing!




Pallet Sign - I got mine from Michaels

Paint - I used acrylic paint

Paint Brush

Bottle Top Opener - I bought one thats meant to be mounted from my grocery store

Box - from Michaels

Super Glue - the super glue I used worked with wood and metal so that I could further secure the bottle opener


I Started out by laying where I wanted the bottle opener and box to catch the tops to go, so I knew where I wanted the lettering to be. I then painted "Go Topless" in the center because I love a good pun and the whole bottle openers job is to take tops off and - go topless! I feel like I over explained my reasoning but we will just go with it..!


After only having the words "Go Topless" on the bottle opener it felt really empty to me so I added what I like to call fillers - meaning they fill the open space! I added DO. IT. so it would now say DO IT Go Topless. Along with an arrow that points to the bottle opener and a stripe at the top.

Bellow the Go Topless I added an arrow point to the box where the bottle tops will fall into and a matching stripe at the bottom.

Step 4 : GLUING

When it came to attaching the bottle top opener it was a little fancier than attaching the box to the bottom. Using the super glue that works for metal and wood I glued the bottle top opener in place and let that dry. After it dried I Screwed the screws that came with the opener in place. I glued it to ensure that it would stay the wood is cheap and i screwed it in on a seam but has been working great for me so far!

The box was pretty simple I just glued the back and lined it up where I wanted it. I eyeballed it to make sure it was all even and let the super glue dry!

AND YOURE DONE! once everything secure it to the wall - which can be done by screw OR command strips


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